Sunday, February 14, 2016

why teenagers rooms are so messy

the other day i was asked the question; why are teenagers rooms so messy? and so i was ready do answer back when i realized i had no idea why teenagers rooms were so messy. from a teenagers stand point i can argue that we are too busy and our lives are too hard, but on the other hand i know many times when i am laying around doing nothing and i'm really just too lazy to clean my room. i don't know if this makes sense but i have to be in like a cleaning and organizing mood to have the energy to clean me room. however i will clean my room if i have an incentive such as if i am told i cant go out with my friends if i don't clean. so why are teenagers rooms so messy? well here are my reasons why, and my reasons why sometimes our reasons are just not good enough.

teenagers spend 7 hours at school, then ,depending on what activities they are in, 2-4 hours after school, and then 2-3 hours of homework afterwards. that's about 9 to 14 hours they spend doing school activities or being at school. leaving about half of the 24 hour day to sleep. if teenagers need 7 to 8 hours of sleep then they are looking at about 2 to 5 hours left in the day to do other things such as clean our room, eat, socialize. So you could say their school week is too busy to clean their rooms, and because of their busy schedules their dirty clothes, garbage, and more just builds up on their floor and on our bed as the week goes on. Rushing out the door in the morning and in and out of the house through out the day is a cause of clothes and garage being thrown on the floor instead of taking the time to put them away. by the time the weekend comes around most teenagers are too tired or bust with other activities and homework to find the motivation to clean up their rooms. i think why some parents don't understand how a teenagers bedroom can be so messy is because teenagers tend to spend most of their time in their bedroom when they are home, unlike parents.

most of the time i would say all of these reasons are legit and are a good enough reason not to clean my room, however i also see how some of these excuses are bogus. such as when teenagers say to their parents "you don't understand i'm just so busy", and i think why parents don't believe that is a good enough reason is because they also are busy. with work and taking care of the kids. however going back to my earlier statement parents don't worry as much about needing to have a lot of time to clean their room because they are not in their bedroom as much as teenagers. to be honest teenagers are just too lazy to clean their room. maybe that is just me but i found from asking other teenagers they agreed that they are to tired or lazy to do so.

so my answer would be that teenagers rooms are always to messy because they spend almost all of their time in there when they aren't at school, they have way to bust of schedules, and frankly teenagers are just tired or too lazy when they do have the time to clean their rooms. teenagers like almost everyone, need an incentive to get them to clean their room, or to do anything for that matter. so if case you are wondering that is why teenagers rooms are so messy, from a teenagers perspective.

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