Step one: use tape to block out square block or really any straight edge shape.
Tip: its a good idea to have a couple practice jars, you can use ones you don't about such as recycles glass food jars from food like salsa, or nacho cheese.
Step two: take a square tipped brush to paint on black chalk paint. you can buy it at stores such as Hobby Lobby, Micheal, or as i was lucky enough to find small bottles in the dollar section at target.
tip: it only took 1 tiny bottle like this to cover about 10 mason jars like i did and there is still plenty left to do more. don't over estimate how much you need, a little bottle can go a long way.
Step three: Lay jars horizontally while waiting for paint to dry and then add another coat of paint on. i suggest laying the mason jars on empty egg cartons to keep them from rolling and smudging the paint.
Tip: I found that cardboard cartoons worked better than styrafoam. if you are painting both sides of the mason jar as i did some of the paper from the egg cartoon may stick to the paint, but after both sides have dried it can be easily covered up by applying a small bit of paint on the paper that is stuck. You will be able to set the jar vertacly after this because that little bit of paint wont drip like it would have in the begining when you put on paint.
Step four: peel off tape
tip: use an X-acto knife to scrap off any paint that smudged or leaked through the tape.
Step five: for any decoration or words you want to be permanent on the paint use a white paint permanent marker as i did for one of my practice jars. otherwise use regular chalk to draw and erase what ever you would like.

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