my suggestion is of course to buy a learning booklet and maybe even take a class on it. however taking a class can take up time you don't have. i highly advice getting a booklet to learn from as well and not just rely on this post, but i will tell you how to do Ukrainian egg art and any tips i have from my own experience.
your 1st step is to find the design in the book you want to do.
next you grab your regular egg straight out of the cartoon of eggs and follow to instructions that should tell you to draw guide lines around the egg to mark the cross sections of the longitude and latitude lines on the egg so that you know the center. usually you have to buy a certain holder for your egg. or you do what some people do and have a friend hold it and twist it as you draw your lines. although i highly suggest buying the holder for the egg, it makes it 10 times easier on you and a lot more accurate.
use light pencil strokes when drawing in your guide lines for the design. the pencil should be able to come off with just some water if you draw light enough, however try not to smudge it.
the design booklet should tell you the order for dying the egg, but if you are making up your own design in your head just keep in mind that lightest colors should always go first and that some light colors will mix a little bit when they over lap. another tip is in small area designs just use a Q-tip to dye that area
the wax's purpose is to keep the areas you put wax on white, or the color you started the egg at, that color for when you sip the egg in the die.
after you have your wax on you can dip your egg in the die. easiest step in the whole process, just make sure not to drop the egg!
now on to the melting of the wax. this is a long process that will take most of your patients. it can seem very fun, fast, and easy, but if you get too careless while melting the wax you could end up burning the egg shell which will then leave a nasty black stain that wont come off. always keep the egg a good distance from the candle. it may seem like its not melting, or its melting too slow and you can get closer, but that's how you end up getting too close because you just want the melting to go faster. don't fall for this trick!
the waxing and dying steps continue to repeat themselves until you get the the big part. the moment when the egg is done but there is still the yoke inside the egg. you cant keep it in forever so you are going to have to some how get the egg yolk out. so its needle time, and this is where many people crack under pressure (terrible pun intended). i remember one of the 1st eggs i ever did, i had worked on it all week and i was finally done and so proud of my work, and i cracked it right at this step because i held onto the egg too hard. my suggestion on this step is to just take a deep breath and stick the needle in nice and carefully, making sure to suck the egg out slowly and not too fast because you don't want to add to the pressure that's built up inside the egg.
well i hope this helped you in anyway to make the best Ukrainian egg art you can make. i do still want to remind you that this can not tell you everything you need to know, you always want to buy the full kit and instruction booklet.