A bathroom may not be the place you entertain, or spend
most of your time, but it is the place that most likely most of your guests
will see and it’s supposed to be one of cleanest rooms in your home, so it is
important to make sure it looks clean. A good way to make it look presentable
is for everything to be organized. It is very unappealing to walk into a
bathroom and see brushes with hair and toothbrushes on the counter, wet towels
and clothes on the floor. so its a key thing to have a place for everything. a closet It so important to have in a full bathroom. a half bathroom you don't need one but you should have at least one bathroom closet in your house. so if you are buying or building a house that is something to look for because some people don't even think about it. in the closet its easiest to have shelves and some storage containers as well. I would recommend using baskets or any container without a lid for bottles of shampoo, lotion, soap ect., that would keep in closet because they are always hard to try and fit into plastic storage containers and if they are all just sitting on the counter they are easy to get noticed over when pulling other things out of the closet. having a bathroom closet doesn't just made everything look better but it makes it easier to clean. besides an organized bathroom closet I also suggest to have your shower curtain closed, because no one really need to see what you have in your shower, and it allows the curtain to dry after taking a shower.
these pictures are not of my own bathroom closet they are just examples that I got from google that i think are good examples for certain points of a well organized closet:

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