1. clear your home of clutter, they great thing about the new year is the illusion of starting fresh, even though its just a day after December 31. not much can happen in a day but you can always start something in a day. work on organizing everything into storage containers or donate/throw away the things you no longer need nor want.
2. if you have noticed your bills have gone up in the past year? there are so many easy ways that can cut down your energy usage and save you money.
- when leaving the house turn off air conditioning and turn down heat at night
- it doesn't seem like much but switching out light bulbs for florescent bulbs can save you a lot
- use a low flow shower head
- when not using phone/computer chargers, appliances, or lamps, unplug them from the wall. also instead of leaving your computer on when not in use, switch it to sleep mode
- always turn off the lights when you leave a room. people don't realize how much of a waste of energy it is to leave lights on all day.
these are just some habits you can learn for the new year
3.keeping the house clean is very easy to let get out of control. so my challenge for you is to come up with a cleaning schedule. i know that sounds dorky and lame, and you probably wont keep up with it but you might keep some of the daily habits of dusting every week or cleaning in those forgotten places in your kitchen.
tip:to control the garbage and make it a habit to take out the trash use a smaller trash can. the result is because the track bin fills up so fast, the garage doesn't build up as much and start to stink up the house.
*try to get in a habit that is something is out of place or you use it you always out it back immediately after you are done with it. that way once you get into the routine
4. renovating an entire room is always fun to do and a great way to start off a new year, but it can take time and money. if you are looking for a new look just try to change up the arrangement of the furniture in the room or the decorations on the wall. also a new set of pillows can add a lot of character and change to a room. if you don't want to buy new pillows you can ways just buy, or make pillow covers to go over the ones you have now. saving you money on the pillows and allowing you to change back to the original design.
5. set goals. don't say you want to redo every room. make a plan to paint the kitchen before a certain date, then put in a new window before this date and so on. this makes the work load seem less stressful and the due date is motivation to get it done. this is also a better than when it comes to finances because you are able to spread out the pay and plan for what you can and can not pay for. it is a problem if you do a couple rooms all at once because if you run into a problem that takes a lot out of your budget you either have to live in an unfinished room for a lot longer than you planned, and/or have to take out a certain renovation from the plans