this year I am in charge of making the desserts so I plan on in a couple weeks shaping the recipes I used to make some homemade no back cheese cake and some mini fruit tart pies. until then here are some recipes and tips I found on Pinterest that I hope help you with your Thanksgiving cooking.
creamy fruit salad
how long to cook a turkey in one easy chart
not yo mamas banana pudding
how to roast a turkey
sweet apple cream cheese spread
guidelines for brining turkey
Sunday, November 22, 2015
tips so your thanksgiving doesnt fail (hopfully)
Thanksgiving can be extremely stressful, especially when you are the one hosting the dinner for your big family and relatives. I'm not even the head of the kitchen who cooks the majority of the meal and organizes it all and I feel stressed when trying to help and running to the store at the last minute because we forgot about the cranberry sauce. so here are some tips so that hopefully your thanksgiving isn't as stressful and isn't a complete flop.
Tip one: If you are reading this its and haven't bought your turkey, its probably too late, kidding, but really you should have one by now. I suggest ordering a turkey 3 weeks before thanksgiving because everyone is going to be wanting a fresh turkey so the order list will be long. also you want to make sure to have time to pick up the turkey and if you are given the turkey and its frozen rock hard you will need time for it to thaw out.
Tip two: all the simple stuff do the day before, such as the vegetables, and cookies and baking. its better to do cookies the day before because otherwise they may become a bit stale and if you are like my family half of them will be gone by the end of the week. basically make anything that you can the day before to save you time thanksgiving day.
Tip three: make a game plan. make a check list of EVERYTHING you will need, food, drinks, napkins, table setting decorations. also make a scheduled plan of when you need to start cooking everything thanksgiving day because you want everything to get done at the same time are shortly before its time to eat so you have time to set everything out on the table.
Tip four: when it comes time to cook check on your food constantly. I've heard so many stories and personal experience of accidentally setting the timer to a longer time, setting the heat too high or low, or forgetting to turn on the oven. you don't want to get to dinner time and find you hadn't even starting cooking the turkey yet or that its on fire!
Tip five: I don't here of this one happening as often but sometimes your fridge may stop working at the worst time, its smart to just have a thermometer in the fridge so you can check and see if it is still running.
Tip Six: get as much help as you can. don't be that stubborn person who wont let anyone help because they wont do it right or because they are in your way. and if this is you send then to do something outside the kitchen like go to the store or clean the house because we all know the you don't want guests over for dinner if your house doesn't look presentable.
well I hope this helps and have a happy Thanksgiving!
Tip one: If you are reading this its and haven't bought your turkey, its probably too late, kidding, but really you should have one by now. I suggest ordering a turkey 3 weeks before thanksgiving because everyone is going to be wanting a fresh turkey so the order list will be long. also you want to make sure to have time to pick up the turkey and if you are given the turkey and its frozen rock hard you will need time for it to thaw out.
Tip two: all the simple stuff do the day before, such as the vegetables, and cookies and baking. its better to do cookies the day before because otherwise they may become a bit stale and if you are like my family half of them will be gone by the end of the week. basically make anything that you can the day before to save you time thanksgiving day.
Tip three: make a game plan. make a check list of EVERYTHING you will need, food, drinks, napkins, table setting decorations. also make a scheduled plan of when you need to start cooking everything thanksgiving day because you want everything to get done at the same time are shortly before its time to eat so you have time to set everything out on the table.
Tip four: when it comes time to cook check on your food constantly. I've heard so many stories and personal experience of accidentally setting the timer to a longer time, setting the heat too high or low, or forgetting to turn on the oven. you don't want to get to dinner time and find you hadn't even starting cooking the turkey yet or that its on fire!
Tip five: I don't here of this one happening as often but sometimes your fridge may stop working at the worst time, its smart to just have a thermometer in the fridge so you can check and see if it is still running.
Tip Six: get as much help as you can. don't be that stubborn person who wont let anyone help because they wont do it right or because they are in your way. and if this is you send then to do something outside the kitchen like go to the store or clean the house because we all know the you don't want guests over for dinner if your house doesn't look presentable.
well I hope this helps and have a happy Thanksgiving!
turkey decoration craft
when you think of decorating for the holidays you mainly think of Halloween, Christmas, and Easter. what many people don't think of is decorations for thanksgiving. why? because what is there to put out? Halloween has the pumpkins and spooky decorations, Christmas, has the tree and the lights, and Easter has the colorful eggs, but what does thanksgiving have? all I can think are paper hand turkey, but here's another easy craft for kids especially, pipe cleaner and puffball turkeys. my mom made a pipe cleaner when I was younger and so I tried to re-make it except using puffballs instead off all pipe cleaners. my mom's of course looks a lot better but this is a lot easier if like me you aren't good with a lot of pipe cleaners.
Step one: find a small light brown, and a medium dark brown puff ball. (I don't know if they are actually called puff balls, but I'm going to call them that) also find 2 eyes
Step two: use double stick tape to attach small puff ball to larger one to make the head and the body. them use double stick tape to attach the two eyes to the head

Step four: use large piece of double stick tape and attach it to brown pipe cleaners on feathers and attach the feathers to the back of the dark brown puff ball.
Step five: use regular tape and wrap it around the back of the feathers to the sides of the dark brown puff ball to secure the feathers.

Step six: next cut a pipe cleaner in fourths to make the wings. take a fourth of the pipe cleaner and bend it into a wing shape

Step seven: wrap a long piece of double stick tape on either ends on the pipe cleaner. then attach to the side of the bigger puff ball so that the tip of the wing is pointing towards the feathers.

Step eight: pick a color for the feet and beak. I chose yellow. make the feet by bending the pipe cleaner to create 3 toes. and tape onto bottom of bigger puff ball

Step nine: use small section of pipe cleaner and bend in half to make a beak. then use a small section of a red pipe cleaner and twist it in to make a gizzard. then tape below and in-between the two eyes.
well I hope you enjoy making this craft with your family.

Step two: use double stick tape to attach small puff ball to larger one to make the head and the body. them use double stick tape to attach the two eyes to the head
Step three: now to make the feathers for the turkey find a variety of colors of your choosing. I have picked out brown, red, and yellow. make each pipe cleaner into a loop proportional to the body and hold them all together at the end. Then wrap a brown pipe cleaner around them all and cut of any extra pipe cleaner.

Step four: use large piece of double stick tape and attach it to brown pipe cleaners on feathers and attach the feathers to the back of the dark brown puff ball.
Step five: use regular tape and wrap it around the back of the feathers to the sides of the dark brown puff ball to secure the feathers.

Step six: next cut a pipe cleaner in fourths to make the wings. take a fourth of the pipe cleaner and bend it into a wing shape

Step seven: wrap a long piece of double stick tape on either ends on the pipe cleaner. then attach to the side of the bigger puff ball so that the tip of the wing is pointing towards the feathers.

Step eight: pick a color for the feet and beak. I chose yellow. make the feet by bending the pipe cleaner to create 3 toes. and tape onto bottom of bigger puff ball

Sunday, November 15, 2015
Pintrest Pillow DIY suggestions
Pillows are a fun way to bring vibrant colors and patterns to a room and I would love to be able to try different ways to decorate a pillow. I haven't been able to try these yet but here are some DIY pillow projects I am interested to try and I recommend you try as well.
Quote Pillow
T-shirt Pillow
watercolor pillow
Quote Pillow
T-shirt Pillow
watercolor pillow
pie crust (cherry)
Thanksgiving is coming up and we all know what that means, it's time to eat till our tummy's are twice their normal size and then eat some more. Everyone is planning who will be hosting the dinner and who will be bringing what dish. For my family it changes between my uncle's house and mine each year. My mom and older sister are the ones who are mainly in charge of making dinner, but as I get older I am given more responsibility for making dinner. This year I am in change of baking dessert for dinner to bring to my uncles house. You can't have thanksgiving without pie, and store bought pie is never as good as homemade.
Pie Crust (cherry):
Cherry pie is an all time favorite and it's so easy to make. The cherry filling sadly is hard to make homemade, the homemade part of cherry pie is the crust. Store bought never tastes as good.
Step one: in a mixing bowl combine 2 cups of flour and 1/2 teaspoons of salt
Step two: mix in 2/3 cups of shortening till the mixture is pea size clumps of the shortening covered with the dry mixture.
tip: use a pastry cutter to mix in the shortening (shown below)

Pie Crust (cherry):
Cherry pie is an all time favorite and it's so easy to make. The cherry filling sadly is hard to make homemade, the homemade part of cherry pie is the crust. Store bought never tastes as good.
Step one: in a mixing bowl combine 2 cups of flour and 1/2 teaspoons of salt
Step two: mix in 2/3 cups of shortening till the mixture is pea size clumps of the shortening covered with the dry mixture.
tip: use a pastry cutter to mix in the shortening (shown below)
Step three: start to add in 1 tablespoon of water evenly into mixture. then toss up with a fork and then mix around with a fork and then push to side of both. repeat this process until the mixture Is completely moist. should be around 6 to 7 tablespoons of water total.
Step four: divide the dough in half and make each portion into two separate balls. (1st section of the dough will be the bottom half of the crust and the 2nd half will be the top.)
Step five: start to roll the dough out to create a circle on a lightly floured surface
tip: to roll into a circle flatten the ball of dough with a hand and then roll out with dough starting at the center. should become a circle 12 inches in diameter.
Step six: lay the circle of dough onto a 9 inch pie plate
tip: to transfer the circle of dough from table to pie plate wrap the dough around the rolling pin by holding one end of dough onto the rolling pin and rolling the rest of it on. then lay end of dough so that some is still hanging of the end of the pie plate and unroll the dough off the rolling pin.
Step seven: slowly and carefully guide the dough all the way to the bottom of the plate.
tip: make sure not to stretch the dough or else those parts will be thinner and bake much faster then the rest
Step nine: now back to the other ball of dough, there are many ways to do a top pie crust. one way is to do what you did for the bottom crust, but this time cut slits of even shapes into the dough so that the steam can come through the top. this is very important to have these holes, otherwise steam will build up and create a big air bubble. what my mom likes to do is to take the dough and make a weaving top. this is achieved by after repeating the first five steps cut the dough into even strips. this can be a bit difficult and takes more time than the others but it looks pretty cool in the end.
Step ten: before placing the dough on top of the pie first you must put the cherry filling inside. I'm sure you can make homemade filling but I honestly have no idea how so my family just uses good old store bought in can cherry filling. I've never had it any other way and it's still good to me.
Step eleven: there are many ways to weave the dough but this is very hard to explain just in words. here are some pictures of different ways to weave the strips, once you have it down it becomes a lot easier than it looks.
Step twelve: cut off the extra dough the hang off the side
Step thirteen: pinch the dough all around the edge to create a wavy edge and to pinch together the top dough with the bottom.
This is the end process on how to make the crust, the next part is easy. you just stick I in the oven and follow the directions for whatever kind of pie you are making asks for, because this is not just cherry pie crust, it is your basic crust for any pie.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Property Brother
Property Brothers is another good HGTV show that is
enjoyable to watch. This show I would compare to being a lot like Fixer Upper.
I talked about Fixer Upper in an earlier post. Property Brothers is about two
brothers Drew and Johnathan Scott, you can obviously tell that they are
brothers because they look so much alike being that aren't only just brothers, but twins. however they each have their own style of the way they dress and style their hair that you can tell which one is which. In the show the brother help their
customers buy a home in their price range and then after they have made their
purchases they help renovate these outdates and no to the customer’s standards
houses. A lot like in the show Fixer Upper the two stars in the show each has a
different specialty that contributed to what they do in the show. In this show
Drew is known as the brother who negotiates with the people who are selling
their houses to get them down to a price that the brother's costumers can
afford. Sometimes they are unable to get the seller to bring down the price so
they either have to skip a renovation or settle for a different home that they
can afford. The other brother, Johnathan, is the designer and construction
worker for the inside of the house. Most of the renovations only consist of
interior design and breaking down some walls.
Johnathan on the right and Drew on the left
While Property
Brothers and Fixer Upper have a lot of similarities I would say that Fixer
Upper I prefer more but that is just my preference. The best part of both of
these shows is that they have a lot of very comical moments in the show because
of the main stars of the show. The two brothers are very competitive, as most
brothers are, and it makes it fun to watch them play pranks on each other and
try to one-up one another when it comes to getting the job done. This
competition between the two is probably why they created the new show Brother
VS Brother that of course stars Drew and Johnathan. I haven't watched this show
yet but I will back sure to do so and post about why I think later on.
Why I like Fixer
Upper more is because it shows more of the couples family, and I love seeing
their kids on the show at their adorable farm. I also love the fact that this
show have the married couple who own this business together and work so well
together. However there is nothing bad about Property Brothers that would make
them worse, for me it is just my preference. However I would think many people
who prefer watching brotherly competition over the loving family business would
like Property Brothers better. So I do recommend this show, it is very fun to
watch and gives some really good tips on how they renovate things in the homes.Sunday, November 8, 2015
DIY suggestions through pintrest
I rarely have time to post any DIY projects which are one of my favorite things to do so here are some link to some good DIY projects that I happened to find on the wonderful world of Pinterest to make up for it. I do highly recommend checking out Pinterest is you haven't already. it is a great place to get inspiration and ideas for pretty much anything. you can practically plan anything with this website.
homemade air freshener:
letter decoration:
homemade air freshener:
homemade red lobster buscuits
how to make homemade red lobster biscuits. now I don't go to red lobster often but when i do go what I look forward to the most in the biscuits they serve you right when you are seated. most restaurants just give you a basket of rolls or sliced bread with butter but red lobster gives you delicious biscuits with butter and seasonings on top. what I recently discovered was that they have a box you can buy as the store to make these biscuits. so my family and I did so and what we discovered is that the biscuit, before you add any of the seasonings on top, are almost exactly like the homemade biscuits my mom makes. the buttery topping is just an easy melted butter and seasonings mixture so we thought wouldn't it just be cheaper to make then ourselves? so that's exactly what we did.
tip/step: I never know where to put this step because it all depends on your timing. you need to pre heat the oven for 450 degrees for 10 minutes before you but the biscuits into the oven.
step one: in a bowl stir together 2 cups of flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoons of cream of tartar, 1/4 teaspoons of salt.
step two: add in 1/2 cup of shortening, margarine or butter until the mixture looks big soft crumbs (small balls of butter coated with dry ingredients)
tip: use a pie crust cutter to mix in the stiff butter.
step three: make a well by pushing dough to the sides of the bowl making a hole in the middle of the mixture.
if you have ever had regular homemade biscuits and red lobster biscuits you know that besides the butter seasoning the red lobster biscuits have cheese on the inside. so when adding the milk you also add in cheese
step four: pour 2/3 cups of milk and 1/2 cups of shredded cheese into the well and stir until dough is sticking together.
for most roll recipes the next step would be to roll dough onto a floured surface and cut into the desired shape but to make these biscuits like the red lobster biscuits you need to use the drop biscuit method. these type of biscuits will be more of a lumpy texture.
step five: use a large table spoon to drop dough onto baking sheet.
step six: bake biscuits in oven for 450 degrees for 10-12 minutes or till golden .
step seven: when biscuits come out of oven immediately cover them in the butter sauce and they sit too cool
butter and seasoning topping:
depending on your preference of portions this could change but the main ingredients are:
melted butter
garlic powder
onion powder
or if you prefer to replace the garlic, onion, and salt you can use garlic salt and onion salt.
once the mixture is made you paint it onto the warm biscuits after the come out of the oven and let cool
I hope you enjoy this recipe and as I have said before, homemade is always better. unless of course you have no idea what you are doing, so I hope this helps you do it right. enjoy!
tip/step: I never know where to put this step because it all depends on your timing. you need to pre heat the oven for 450 degrees for 10 minutes before you but the biscuits into the oven.
step one: in a bowl stir together 2 cups of flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoons of cream of tartar, 1/4 teaspoons of salt.
step two: add in 1/2 cup of shortening, margarine or butter until the mixture looks big soft crumbs (small balls of butter coated with dry ingredients)
tip: use a pie crust cutter to mix in the stiff butter.
step three: make a well by pushing dough to the sides of the bowl making a hole in the middle of the mixture.
if you have ever had regular homemade biscuits and red lobster biscuits you know that besides the butter seasoning the red lobster biscuits have cheese on the inside. so when adding the milk you also add in cheese
step four: pour 2/3 cups of milk and 1/2 cups of shredded cheese into the well and stir until dough is sticking together.
for most roll recipes the next step would be to roll dough onto a floured surface and cut into the desired shape but to make these biscuits like the red lobster biscuits you need to use the drop biscuit method. these type of biscuits will be more of a lumpy texture.
step five: use a large table spoon to drop dough onto baking sheet.
step six: bake biscuits in oven for 450 degrees for 10-12 minutes or till golden .
step seven: when biscuits come out of oven immediately cover them in the butter sauce and they sit too cool
butter and seasoning topping:
depending on your preference of portions this could change but the main ingredients are:
melted butter
garlic powder
onion powder
or if you prefer to replace the garlic, onion, and salt you can use garlic salt and onion salt.
once the mixture is made you paint it onto the warm biscuits after the come out of the oven and let cool
I hope you enjoy this recipe and as I have said before, homemade is always better. unless of course you have no idea what you are doing, so I hope this helps you do it right. enjoy!
Extreme Makeover Home Edition
Extreme Makeover Home Edition was one of my favorite home
makeover shows. of course when it was airing I was only in elementary schools
it was the only HGTV show I watched but I still watched reruns after the show
ended and it is still my favorite show. this show is more than just building a
new fancy homes, this show find people and families who are in despite need of
help and lift a huge weight off their shoulder by building them a new home. the
people that HGTV helps on this show are living in unhealthy, small, crammed,
ugly, unsafe houses and these families living in these homes defiantly don't
deserve to live in these homes. a lot of the people are heroes in one way or
another, or are living with a health issue, or have lost a love one or their
job. these people are suffering one way or another and their terrible houses
are not helping. an added bonus they send the family on vacations! usually to
like Disneyland or some amazing vacation spot.
What I love about this show is unlike other HGTV shows they
build an entire house after destroying the old one. everything about the house
is new and better, unlike in other shows they just redo the bad things about a
house and renovate it. those shows of course are more for giving tips and
showing people what they can do with a bad space in their home. this show is
more about building an amazing home for a deserving and amazing family. I find
also that HGTV shows now a days don't do what this show does which is make the
home specific to the family. Extreme Makeover Home Edition is great at making
the home accessible for any handicaps someone in the family might face as well
as making each room special for each kid to what they like. when I was younger
as a kid I know what I liked this show so much because it made me dream on
having a fairy themed room, or a room with the coolest gadgets. I think this
show is what really got me into home decorating, mainly just in my head of what
I imagine my dream home to be. this is why I suggest this show to anyone, sure it’s
a bit old but the value of the show hasn't changed. the people on the show are
funny, and kind, and it really makes you appreciate the home that you have,
because having a home you feel safe and comfortable in is important.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
pumpkin seeds
Earlier in another post I talked about pumpkin seeds and different seasonings to add to them for a tasty snack. after carving pumpkins a couple days ago my family and I tried out some of our own seasonings. we carved 4 pumpkins total so we had a lot of seeds to bake. we started by drying out the seeds by sticking them in the oven for 20 minutes on a lightly oiled pan. in a large mixing bowl we added oil and salt for the original seeds and hen to try out a new flavor we added parmesan and oregano. the amount of each seasoning depends of your preference. then you add the seeds into the bowl and evenly mix all of it together. then after speeding the seeds back onto the pan evenly you put them back into the oven for another 20 minutes or until golden brown at 300 degrees. a tip for baking even regular pumpkin seeds is to soak them in the seasonings or salt before baking them. this of course takes more time but from experience you can taste the seasonings and salt much better when they are soaked for a while before baking.
how to not skip over thanksgiving
Morning after Halloween and the first thing my mom is asking me to do is take down all the Halloween decorations and put up thanksgiving decorations. this is probably because if we don't do it today we won't ever get around to it. so now as I pass by my kitchen and see the little turkey decorations there is no doubt its thanksgiving time, and as everyone is thinking its okay to start singing Christmas music, I'm thinking about Thanksgiving day. so this is a how to on how to not skip over Thanksgiving day.
step one: try not to buy a single Christmas present before thanksgiving.
step two: cant thing of a good movie to watch for Thanksgiving? try Charlie brown thanksgiving, it's a classic
step three: don't sing a single Christmas song
step four: don't buy and Christmas candy or decorations
step five: get in the Thanksgiving spirit, make hand turkeys or something.
what I'm trying to say is that Thanksgiving in an important holiday. it's when we give thanks, its when pilgrims came and ate with the Indians, is when you have the most delicious meal of the year so you better not forget it. I know Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and just talking about it now gives me a warm feeling inside. however Thanksgiving is important too and there are some fun things that go with it as in being with family in your homes and sharing Thanksgiving dinner. so as I continue..
step six: make of list of 10 things you are thankful for everyday leading up to Thanksgiving. the first couple of days will be a piece of cake but as you continue it will get harder and harder and you will start to think of the little things like I am thankful that I met this person in 6th grade, or I am thankful for my hearing because we don't think about this stuff every day. I know this post wants much about home improvement and DIY but I thought it was important that there is more to Thanksgiving then its the holiday that is right before Christmas.
step one: try not to buy a single Christmas present before thanksgiving.
step two: cant thing of a good movie to watch for Thanksgiving? try Charlie brown thanksgiving, it's a classic
step three: don't sing a single Christmas song
step four: don't buy and Christmas candy or decorations
step five: get in the Thanksgiving spirit, make hand turkeys or something.
what I'm trying to say is that Thanksgiving in an important holiday. it's when we give thanks, its when pilgrims came and ate with the Indians, is when you have the most delicious meal of the year so you better not forget it. I know Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and just talking about it now gives me a warm feeling inside. however Thanksgiving is important too and there are some fun things that go with it as in being with family in your homes and sharing Thanksgiving dinner. so as I continue..
step six: make of list of 10 things you are thankful for everyday leading up to Thanksgiving. the first couple of days will be a piece of cake but as you continue it will get harder and harder and you will start to think of the little things like I am thankful that I met this person in 6th grade, or I am thankful for my hearing because we don't think about this stuff every day. I know this post wants much about home improvement and DIY but I thought it was important that there is more to Thanksgiving then its the holiday that is right before Christmas.
Fixer Upper
One of my favorite shows on HGTV is Fixer Upper staring a married couple, Chip and Joanna. Chip is the muscle and constructor and Joanna is the interior designer in this duo. together they own their own fixer upper company and they help people who are looking for a nice home and find them a home in their price range that needs some damage control but has a lot of potential and has a quality that another perfect house doesn't have such as location, view, and amount of land. what I love about this show is it is not just an interior design shows, it also has humor, heart, and we get to know chip and Joanna and their kids. In each episode they find three different homes for the costumers that will fit their price range which adding in the renovations. for examples the customers price range may be 150,000 so they will find three houses for them. one that is in pretty good condition, needing minor renovations and in a okay location, maybe having a few things they don't like but can live with them, price ranged at around 110,000 and giving them 40,000, for those only minor renovations they need. another home they show them may be move in ready and only need few things done this house however is usually at the top of their price range at maybe 145,000 giving them hopefully enough to fix some things. then of course they always show them the worst house imaginable that looks like it cannot be done, however usually this house has some other factor that makes it a great deal such as its location, or land size. these homes are set at the very bottom of their price range but it gives them a lot of room to make the renovations them need. I love it when the customers pick the completely run down house because Chip and Joanna always make it into a dream home.
The only criticisms I have about this show is you see the same technics of interior designing in every single home. only certain times so I see Joanna do something specific to the costumers preference. otherwise they all look like Texas homes. there was only once when a house they build was a different style and that was because the costumers specifically said they were looking for a French-country home. now they are located in Texas and I think that contributed to Joanna's style being the same in every home because they are all in the same location and I guess most of them have that same taste. she does however used distressed wood on almost everything. yes this look can look great but sometimes I don't get why you would want everything to look old and warn out. and I know my
mom and dad and any one else who hates the idea of painting over beautiful wood would hate this look in this show. for those of you that don't know distressed wood is a technique that designers use where they paint a piece of wood furniture such as a picnic table or chair and paint it. the distressed part is when after the paint is dry then sand some of the paint off to give it a worn out and old look. however I do agree this is a good look for any piece of furniture that is already a big warn down already. Joanna uses this technic in every homes and it gets a bit annoying. one customer straight out said he hated that look and I think it looks good to an extent but I would not want to use that style in every piece of furniture.
Overall this is a great show filled with funny, and interesting moments when watching them build and transform these fixer upper homes.
The only criticisms I have about this show is you see the same technics of interior designing in every single home. only certain times so I see Joanna do something specific to the costumers preference. otherwise they all look like Texas homes. there was only once when a house they build was a different style and that was because the costumers specifically said they were looking for a French-country home. now they are located in Texas and I think that contributed to Joanna's style being the same in every home because they are all in the same location and I guess most of them have that same taste. she does however used distressed wood on almost everything. yes this look can look great but sometimes I don't get why you would want everything to look old and warn out. and I know my
Overall this is a great show filled with funny, and interesting moments when watching them build and transform these fixer upper homes.
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