Are smart homes real? Well they maybe already and they
defiantly will be in the future. If you have a smart phone that acts as your TV
remote, or turns off your lights, or locks your doors, you are already one step
closer to a smart house. Now a days I see many commercials about being able to
control the inside of your home while you are away with just your smart phone.
It’s a bit alarming to me to see that this is possible, with all the abilities
hackers have these days it scares me to think what is someone got a hold of my
phone and then was able to unlock my doors or see inside through the cameras
you can hook up as well.
It makes me think about out future in smart homes and if any
of you have seen the movie Smart House
(1999) you can imagine the type of neat and frightening things a smart
house could possibly be capable of doing. Of course in the movie the smart
house computer turning into an actually person is a bit farfetched but the rest
I can see being possible. For example the house was awesome because it cleaned
for them, socked up spills through the carpet, made amazing food on command and
of course helped the teenage kid through an amazing party. However when the
house starts to malfunction is locks them inside, shocks the kid with the
doorknob, throws oranges at the family, and kicks out a woman who the house
things is replacing her. This all relates back to whether smart houses will be
a good or bad thing, because there’s no doubt in my mind that they will become
a reality.
However I do see the advantages to our phones being able to
control our homes, it can help us keep an eye on your dog, or your kids, and if
you forget to turn off the light you can just turn them off with one click on a
screen, and it all can be seen as making your home safe place. What I think none
of us realize is that technology controls our lives, and now it controls our
homes as well. If our phones or our house itself is what controls the house is it
really still your home. A home is where you do your work, make your own pies, clean
your own carpets, and entertain your family, if a computer did all that instead
of yourself is it really YOUR home, or just some smart house.